1. Sherlock Holmes vs Frankenstein
2. The Can-Cannibals
3. The Format

Horror – Short
1. Dream About Angels
2. Indemnity
3. A Midsummer Nightmare
4. Private Showing

Horror – Feature
1. Wyke Wreake
2. Chill
3. Voodoo Rising
4. Fetish Dolls Die Laughing

Horror-Comedy – Short
1. Hangers
2. Vamp X
3. The Almost True Story of a
    Suburban Housewife

Horror-Comedy – Feature
1. Bone Cave

Sci-Fi – Short
1. The Missouri Strain


TV Pilot
1. Zombianca, by Ila Coltas
2. Beyond the Darkness, by Bob Fisher

Slasher – Short
1. Greal, by Jay Sharron

Slasher – Feature
1. The Catacomb, by Carlos Burgaleta

Horror – Short
1. The Funeral Services of Albert Greer, by Bob Fisher

Horror – Feature
1. Shook, by Kenneth Bogar
2. Control, by Steve Herczeg  
3. The Ghost Rig, by Michael Edwards
4. Suppression, by Jack Bennett

Horror-Comedy – Feature
1. High Stakes, by Kelly Goodner
2. Sadistic, by Michael Gibrall
3. A Clown’s Tale, by Michael Pallotta

Sci-Fi – Feature
1. Shades, by William Alexander

Honorable Mentions
Family Men, by Jeff Woodard
The Nursing Home, by John Simpson
Shut In!, by Darryl Epp


1. Damoon Keshmirshekan / Mohammad Ali Karimi (Malaysia)
2. Michael D. Jones, Sr. (NC)
3. Nick Dolan (OR)
4. Alexander John McMillan (PA)
5. Bryan Kloser (CO)
6. Jim Danko (OH)
7. Ashley Johnson (GA)
8. Ambrose Freeman-Toole (CO)
9. Hatem Elgenedy (CA)
10. Ken Jones (AL)
11. Marcello Favoino (Italy)
12. JR Williams (OH)
13.  Matt Hodge (KY)
Honorable Mention: Larry Woolever (CA)

1. Ron George
2. Jessica Willis
3. GD Effects

1. GD Effects
2. Ron George
3. Jessica Willis

1. Marissa Semon
2. Crissy Kolarik
3. Holly Dee

Honorable Mentions:
Calavera Candy
Emma Purdy
Gi Yount
Kathleen Kornuc
Mikayla Murphy
Wendy Yount