Film Scoring selections will be after April 16, 2025

We will only announce nominations at around end of April 2025. Award ceremony has been moved to Saturday at 5pm and winners will be announce then.

All filmmakers attending the festival will receive a NFC ID Badge that can access the website when put it close to your smartphone. Goodie bags will also be available (while supply last.)

How to submit for The 2025 Horror Hotel:

1) Download trailer HERE (click on download icon and select the size you preferred) and registration form (click on the Registration word in bold to get the form):

2) Score entire trailer

3) Send an unlisted YouTube or unlisted Vimeo link to horrorhotelfest(at)gmail(dot)com, with score & trailer combined, no later than April 1, 2025 for final submission deadline. Include PayPal receipt and registration form. All submission materials must be received AT THE SAME TIME.

You may also send registration form, and a check or money order via mail to address on form.

All selected submissions include a VIP 4-day event pass.


Click on Pay now to pay for the fee by credit card:

  • Early Film Scoring (Before Nov. 30, 2023) $35
no more

  • Regular Film Scoring (deadline: Mar 5, 2024): $40

  • Late Film Scoring (deadline: April 1, 2024): $45


1) Submitting early ensures a review process that will let you know if you need to resubmit your clip. Resubmissions due to technical issues will not incur a separate registration fee. Files must be emailed as an unlisted YouTube or unlisted Vimeo link.  You may be able to submit via DVD if need to as last resort.

2) Entries are to be completed by ONE composer. We do not accept team submissions.

3) Every composer can only submit one score for consideration.

4) Score material must be original and submitter must own all rights to the piece of music. Composer bears responsibility for any liabilities arising from copyright infringement.

5) Judges and final scores will not be released.

6) All composers are invited to participate regardless of musical background. International participation is also encouraged.

7) Once submitted, there are no refunds; however, a composer may still withdraw his/her entry from the competition.

8) Entering the competition does not guarantee you any award or placement. Only entries that reach a specific score in judging qualify for an award.

9) Winners will be announced before the festival, and awards are presented at The Horror Hotel award ceremony. Non-attending winners will be e-mailed certificates after the event.