Johnny K. Wu

A native Clevelander raised in Central America, Johnny K. Wu is, a veteran award-winning producer, director, editor (over 34 years) with an MBA (from Cleveland State University) specialization in marketing and branding. Fluent in Chinese, Spanish and English, Johnny is well known and respected within the Asian Pacific American community in Ohio, he is one of the co-founder of the Cleveland Asian Festival, as well as recognized by ethnic cultural groups as the Producer for Cleveland Cultural Gardens’ One World Day since 2015 (over 35 years in event producing).
Wu is one of the few pioneers in engaging talents/skills in Cleveland’s independent filmmakers’ industry. In October 2003, he founded the monthly Cleveland IndieClub to provide a voice for local visual artists to showcase their work and visions, IndieClub was a national movement with meet up at numerous cities, and Cleveland is now the oldest running group.  Owner of Media Design Imaging (mdifilm.com), Johnny has been working providing video and event producing to non and for profit corporates, small businesses and filmmaking community since 1998. He also has 14+ feature films successfully distributed worldwide since 2005. He has given workshops and talk about filmmaking, marketing, branding, producing and distribution at several conventions including Wizard World Cleveland, FanExpo Cleveland, Horror Hotel Film Festival and Convention IndieGathering Film Festival and Convention for over 10 years, at CES and NAB in Las Vegas. He also provide insights and consultation in branding and marketing at nonprofits and small businesses as well as a known film/producing figure in social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Clubhouse. Wu owns a YouTube channel where he does product reviews and interviews with many prominent producers in the country.  (youtube.com/mdifilm)
Johnny’s latest scifi-action feature Wu Lin The Society, has signed for distribution while still winning awards. He’s latest documentary History of Cleveland’s Chinatown is currently screening at many festivals in Cleveland including showing at WKYC and WVIZ. In his spare time, he loves to watch movies, eat different cuisines and sleep.
Wu currently sits as an executive board member of St. Clair Superior Development Corp, member of the International Task Force for Cleveland Museum of Art, WKYC Community Council Member, City of Cleveland Consumer Affairs Community Board, VP of Communications for OCA Cleveland Chapter, to name a few. He is an inductee to two Martial Arts Hall of Fames, and an inductee of the International Indie Filmmakers Hall of Fame.